
art khmer

L'art Khmer dans les collections du musée Guimet, Pierre Baptiste et Thierry Zéphir

How beautiful is that ? I'm the happiest person in the world to have found this huge book. I've visited the Guimet museum last weekend and my brain did *blop*. A discrete but devastating explosion, all good. I felt outside of Paris for a couple of hours. We talked about starring at every object for 15 minutes in the musée de la Chasse et de la Nature, let's say 40 minutes for this one. 
It just feel good to haven't been centered on myself and my culture (like i tend to do 90% of the time) and being like a kid discovering something totally new.

Also, Ganesa is the cutest.


trou noir

no source, pinterest

I used to wear a lot of white, and to only like white cube museums or galleries. My own teenage angst. But i still can appreciate this aesthetic and this picture have striked me. I find it pretty clever.

doing this

jumper : second hand, trousers : american apparel, derbies : second hand

wood and metal

Best piece of jewelry i own so far. It's Noritamy, i've been in love with the brand since a while now and my boyfriend's mother had the memo. Thank you.

Relatum, le repos de la transparence

Lee Ufan, Relatum, Le Repos de la Transparence, 2013, Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature

Stunning installation in the Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature. It probably has the most repulsive name but it's oddly one of the greatest museum in Paris. Check it out if you are around and stare at every single object for 15 minutes.


Productivity level 'sunday afternoon'.